
4.6 ( 4946 ratings )
Соціальни мережі Фото та відео
Розробник: Stantlife

We all remember what we were doing at important moments of our lives : an extraordinary concert, a wedding, a memorable sporting event, a historical event, a party with friends ...

We share with our closest friends on how we lived those special moments.

And if we could expand that circle to all people who experienced the same event?

***** Stantlife is the first collaborative sharing platform on EVENTS! *****

In addition to the friendships between individuals or professionals , participation in the same event created a link between them.
Stantlife materializes this ephemeral link by gathering the anecdotes of the participants.

Stantlife makes you live the event through the stories, anecdotes and photos of those who were there. Enjoy this unique experience !


Lists are composed of events ...
…Suggested for you ... (SUGGESTION)
… recently created (NEW)
... sorted chronologically (TIMELINE)

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Browse events and join the community of those you attended !

Create your event >>
Be responsible for the event! Create the first slice of life, share with your friends and let them do the magic.

>> Who sees what?
Stantlife respects the privacy of each. You make the choice of the scope of visibility of your contributions: "Everyone" or "Friends".

Download Stantlife and participate in a new social experience, unprecedented human adventure.

Have fun !